One of the many things that were left in the house when we moved in where copious amounts of baking tins. Pie and bread tins are in abundance in the cupboard, so I took some of the older, more antique looking ones and decided to make something pretty.
Now my husband is not one for decoration. I have to hide décor in plain sight and usually have to have some utilitarian use for the object for it not to be a mild and somewhat comical point of contention. I saw a post by on Pinterest back in January that I remembered as soon as I saw those older bread tins and I knew what I had to do. The wood was easy, we have a huge selection of old barn wood in… the barn… that I was able to pick this piece out of the pile and didn’t have to touch it, it just came like this. Perfect.
Nailing the tins to the board was easier said than done, but I managed to get them secured without dinging them up too bad. Then I had to figure out what to put in them. I originally had a very utilitarian purpose for them, I hung them next to our white board and they dutifully kept the dry erase markers out of reach of the small ones, but my husband in his adorable way, kept using them to dump everything from random screws to his walkie-talkie that he clipped to the side of one of the tins and that just isn’t going to fly. So I swapped it out with a similar piece that used old cigar boxes for the bins. I filled the bread tins with all kinds of treasures and hung it next to the fireplace.
Kindling bundles of dry hay on the bottom.
Matches, an emergency candle, and a string bundle in the middle.
The top bin holds a beautiful bundle of lilacs (my favorite) and hydrangeas leaving no room for random man things.
This is my pretty piece usurped from drowning in clutter and I won’t settle for less. I do have a confession to make… I have a gas fireplace teehee. It has the fake wood in it so I figured fireplace goodies wouldn’t look too out of place. It is décor after all (but don’t tell my husband that).